As a teenager, I spend several hours of my day on social media. Often, people will post important news on their stories for other people to see. I gather most of my data from these stories. The thing about Instagram is that it is not an extremely reliable news source. Although I do follow reliable sources on the app like CNN and ABC News, it can be hard to tell the difference between truth and exaggeration. Social media is like a game of telephone. The more words that travel, the more they get messed up and confusing.
- Apple News
Apple news is very convenient, due to the fact that it sends direct notifications of breaking news to your phone right after it happens. Being someone who uses my phone a lot, I get these notifications very often. These notifications are often very intriguing and sometimes shocking. Apple News seems to be a reliable source in my eyes. I have never gathered Information from those notifications that was not true.
- Snapchat
Going along with being a teenager who spends oodles of time on social media, I also get a lot of my news from Snapchat. Often, these posts are click bate and exaggerated. It is clear that the people drafting these articles are making something out of nothing just for content and clicks. It is often celebrity drama and not real-world news. Snapchat is one of the most unreliable sources for news. They place titles that drag you in, but the article never lines up. It seems that everything written on there is a conspiracy.
- Yahoo News
The main email I use is a Yahoo email. Since I am logging onto almost everyday to check it, I often come across news articles on the homepage. The good thing about Yahoo news is that it tracks your location, so it gives your information based on the state you are in. I often am shown news about what is going on in Greensboro and Charlotte. I find this website quite reliable because the stories are realistic and not always huge shocking news. I also really like that I can keep up to date on what is going on in my state.
- My friend, Lucy Cush
Lucy Cush is one of my best friends. She is extremely smart, and she is one of those people who wakes up every morning at 7am to read the news. Often, she will text me or call me about the breaking news of the day. She keeps me up to date and it is extremely helpful. I believe she gathers her news from NBC and New York Times. I find Lucy to be a reliable source because she is like a living broadcast system. She always checks her news sources and makes sure to pass on the correct information to me, her best friend.
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