Living in this day and age can be scary. Technology is getting smarter and breakthroughs are constantly being made. The impact made by AI and new technologies can be both negative and positive in several ways. In the short movie we watched called The Age of A.I., we learned how great this impact really is. I had no clue that people often lose their jobs to this technology. Multiple jobs that were once ran by people can now be taken over by technology. This causes people to lose their jobs and they often become depressed and ill from this outcome. This kind of news was scary to me. In the future when I get a job, I would be terrified if this happened. Jobs are soon going to become more and more limited. With such advanced technology, privacy can no longer be a thing. A.I. can figure out almost everything there is about you. A pro to this is having a phone or website that is almost specifically designed and adjusted to you. This can be extremely helpful to tech users. On the other hand, the data that A.I. holds can be terrifying. It probably knows things that you do not even know about yourself. Maybe even things that you thought nobody else knew. Nobody wants an invasion of privacy like this. Having all of this data out there and easy to reach can raise several concerns. National security and the government can hack into your files and figure out everything there is to know about you. Life is a very personal thing, why would we want these people who may have never met us in person to know every small detail of our lives. Along with easily accessible able data comes identity thieves. Horrible people out there are always looking to steal someones identity. This is beneficial to them because they often make money off of it. Although A.I. is very smart, that does not always mean it is very secure. Info is often mass leaked beyond anyones control. I think A.I. is an extremely smart and fascinating technology. That does not mean it is not extremely scary though.
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